


Hi love!

Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you’re ready to celebrate your Christmas with your loved ones tomorrow.

I can’t believe today’s finally come and it’s the last day of our #GoodVibesGifting event! So much to learn from this eight days series. So much appreciation from me to you and your family.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4Day 5 , Day 6 and Day 7 posts, don’t hesitate to go back and check them out. You still have tonight to share your stories. I will announce the eight lucky winners tomorrow evening.

This first post, will provide you more details on the rules and how to participate in this #GoodVibesGifting event. We would love for you to join us on this last #GoodVibesGifting post in 2018.

NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comNYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comNYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


First thing that comes to my mind when it comes to New Year’s Eve Party is bling! That’s why I’m going for a silvery and glittery look from head to toe today. Anything bling would work for the night party, you don’t have to use only silver like me. You can pick gold, rose gold, black, red, white, green or pretty much whatever color you’re feeling for the night. But just keep in mind to make your outfit shine bright, as if it’s going to be your life in the new year. 🙂

This look actually reminded me of the millennium celebrations, on NYE of the start of the year 2000. I remember that most of the places were decorating with silver as their main color. Everyone was afraid of the end of the world and such on NYE. I went for a horror movie with my cousins that night and my mother was so worried. After midnight everything was just fine as it was another new day and new year. Anyways, hope you’re enjoying your NYE party this year.

My outfit details are displayed below with a few similar dresses.



Get to know me: Everyone has problems in life. Some of us choose to fix them, some of us choose to stay with them, and some of us choose to forget about them. For me I love fixing my problems. Either it’s small or big, I never neglect the problems and let them shadow me everywhere I go.

The first process I do when it comes to fixing my problem is to find the roots. Then I will start digging deeper to see why those problems occurred. I would try my best to find the methods to start solving them slowly but surely. If method A doesn’t work, I will move on to method B, C and so on.

Most of the time if the problems involve other people, for example they’re the problem, I would give back my kindness to them if talking isn’t helping. Either they feel it or not at least that’s the only one positive thing I can do in this case. The more kindness you give back the more likely you will be able to change their negative attitude toward you.

If you have family problems, problems between you and your partner, I recommend not bringing the third person into your situation. Don’t use your emotions to solve your problems because that will lead to the wrong way of solving them. Try to solve your problems when you’re in a steady mind set. If you really need help, I highly recommend you make an appointment with some professionals, they have learned how to help you through their processes and steps. But the person who is the most important that will determine the success is only you.

If you decide to fix your problems with no doubt, you will be able to do it. You just need to trust your ability fully. But if you decide to fix it but still hesitate about the results, this would take longer or it would never work.

Right now for me I want to fix my health problem the most. Even though I don’t have any bad decease, just something minor but I want to make sure I am healthy so I can spend as much time that I have with my loving husband and daughter.

My thought for you today is to never be afraid in fixing your problems. If there’s a problem there’s a solution.



What’s one area in life you would like to improve most? Is there anything I could be a part of in helping you through my blog?


I’m looking forward to reading your answer. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow for the winner announcement and inspiring stories from all the winners!



Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7

Hi love!

It’s day seven of our #GoodVibesGifting and we are only one day away to the end of this series. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to share your stories with us. I know it’s not about the gifts as much as the good heart you have and that you are wanting to share some parts of your life to our All About Good Vibes’ readers.

I feel like the more we connect and the more we have a chance to spread the positivity around us, the better we become and the better the world will be. Not to say that the world is bad but we are all tend to lack communication, connection and understanding about each other. So let this series be the start of our small community and to help lift and support one another. I will be here for you and I know you will be there for me too.

Keep your stories coming because we are all looking forward to reading them! 🙂

If you missed my Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5, and Day 6 posts, feel free to check them out and share your stories there. If you want to know more details on how to be a part of this series, head over to this postread through the first section to learn about how to join.

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


This year I found myself wearing a lot of knit sweaters especially the graphic and slogan ones. I think because I am pregnant, I found it so easy to put on, and to mix and match my graphic sweaters with all kinds of outfits. It does its job keeping me warm and it’s also fun to see different designs and sayings.

You can wear it with a dress, a pair of jeans, high heels or sneakers. Pretty much you can pull off the cool look without adding anything more. You can dress up or down with the graphic sweaters.

In today’s look, I tried to keep it simple and made sure the sweater was the main focus. I picked my metallic midi dress to go with my silver slip-on (similar pairs here and here) sneakers. My bag and earrings are black, to match with the color of my top which is out of stock but I found two similar ones for you here and here.  I also picked some fun knit graphic and slogan sweaters for you below as well.

We took this photoshoot on Halloween night, our second night in Tokyo around the Shibuya area. It was so much fun seeing people dressed up and to walk around the famous shopping street. We were there right before people got out of work which was nice because there were a lot less people than at night when everyone comes out to party. We saw on TV that the entire area was packed with people and it was so hard to walk around during the Halloween party hours. Good thing we picked the right time to visit and head back to the hotel at the right time.



Get to know me: I started noticing my life changing after reading this book, The Power by Rhonda Byrne. I have to say that I’m a bad reader but a good collector. I bought so many books but never finished reading them.

One of the the books I finished reading and I keep going back to, is The Power. The reason I love it so much is that I see my life changing after applying the rules this book provides to my everyday life.

Whatever I expect to have, I will have them in a matter of months or even days. A few quotes by Rhonda Byrne that are so true and I recommend for you to follow are “What do you want more than anything right now?. Think about it a lot, feel it, and you will receive it.”, “What you’re thinking right now is creating your future. You’re always thinking, and you are always creating.” and “Your thoughts are a creative power to use to materialize your dream.”.

This book has kept my dreams alive and made my dreams become a reality.

I was a dreamer since I was little. I wasn’t only dreaming but I also felt the feelings of achieving my dreams as well. I got so excited every time I would think about achieving my dream and how that would feel. I didn’t know about the power of the universe before but I was living my life that way before I discovered this book.

After reading the book I found that I’m in control of my needs and wants. All I have to do is to think positively. Feel the good energy thats coming my way. And get ready to receive what I’m dreaming for. Just so you know that it might sound simple, easy and unrealistic, but trust me when I say it’s true. It can be hard to see results if you have negativity surrounding you or have a closed mine about your power and ability to create your own dreams.

I don’t want to get into the stories from the book incase you want to grab a copy and start reading it yourself so I didn’t ruin it for you.  All I have to say is, this is one of my favorite books that has helped me get what I want and I want you to have a chance to receive what you want too.

Either more money, great job, soulmate, great health or as small as a person smiling back at you today, you will be able to get it if you believe in your power.

I will be sharing and talking more about this topic next year. If you’re looking to enhance your new year, take a look at this book if you haven’t already and get ready for your best year yet!



Have you ever achieved one of your dreams? What did you do and how did you feel after you achieved it?

What’s one gift would you like to receive most from me? Take a look here.


I’m looking forward to reading your answers. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of the your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

See you again tomorrow for our last story!



Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Baby Pink #GoodVibesGifting Day 6

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Baby Pink #GoodVibesGifting Day 6

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Baby Pink #GoodVibesGifting Day 6

Hi love!

It’s day 6 of my #GoodVibesGifting event!! OMG, time flies! Each day I look forward to reading your stories and it’s helping me set my goals for next year. You have contributed to my goals for sure. I’m going to keep it a secret for now about what I’m planning to do but hey, that’s exciting and worth looking forward to.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4 and Day 5 posts, don’t hesitate to go back and check them out. There are so many stories and thoughts from our Good Vibes Tribe members who you can learn from their life experiences and situations. Don’t forget to leave your stories at the end of the post because you might be one of the eight lucky winners of this contest.

This first post, will provide you more details on the rules and how to participate in this #GoodVibesGifting event. We would love for you to join us.

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


Today’s look has a little sweet touch to it. If you want to make your look to be on the sweet side, try incorporating pink into your outfit.

My tip when wearing light colors, like pink, is to match with other light colors but try adding one dark color item to help make it contrast. Unless you want to go all out to be super soft and sweet, then only wear light colors from head to toe.

As you can see here, my beret, earrings, sweater (similar here), bag and boots (similar here) are all in light colors. But I chose to wear this navy dress (similar here and here) to make it contrast to the look. So, I don’t look too sweet or too simple.

We took this photoshoot in front of our hotel when we were staying in Tokyo, Japan. If you’re planning to visit Tokyo, Japan with your family, I recommend checking out MIMARU TOKYO NIHOMBASHI SUITENGUMAEI apartment hotel. It’s a super nice place in a business district. Great for a family trip and very convenient to hop on the subway to visit places.




Get to know me:  I’d love to share with you on how I take care of my emotions at the end of each day on this post today. Because it’s so important to pay attention to your feelings, your mind and your soul and it will help you to become a better minded person.

I used to wait for the weekends to come before I started taking care of myself and to have some Me-Time. But guess what!, you don’t need to be like an old me. You can start doing it everyday. I know it might sound hard to do it but if you can spend only 5 minutes of your day to connect with yourself and take care of your spirit, you will feel a lot better and calmer than you used to be.

What’s the point of waiting until the weekend, right? You might say you’re super busy during the week and there’s no time for you to take care of yourself. Well, you’re living your life everyday, which means you should pay attention to yourself and your emotions everyday as well.

You don’t want to build up those unfavorite situations you’ve been through during the week and let those situations worry you through the weekend. You need to give your body and your mind a break, to help reset and get ready for the next day.

Either you pick to sit down and have a cup of tea in a calm environment to wind down or pray for 5 minutes, these can really help you as a person to connect with yourself and let go of those bad situations you have faced. If it’s a good day for you, use your 5 minutes to fulfill your emotions, mind, body and soul with positive energy.

For me, I love to take an extra 5 minutes in my shower, just to stand there, listening to the sound of the water, and let the warm water soak through my hair and body. I’d take a long deep breath and exhale slowly to let go all the tiredness and things that bother me on that day. That’s the easiest way I found myself relaxing and calming down my mind at the end of the day. It doesn’t take long and I don’t need to go above and beyond my everyday’s activities. Only 5 minutes of my day does make me feel recharged and ready for what’s to come next.

On the day that I have more time to myself I would listen to music, do a mini spa and eat my favorite sweets with a cup of hot cocoa. I would fill that hour with positive energy and joy as well and I would let go of all the bad energy. These tiny things make my soul and my body happy.

They are such simple things in life but when I pay attention to myself close enough, these small, simple things become more beneficial to my mind and helps to balance my emotions.

My thought for you today is to try to find one activity that help calm your mind each day and start taking care of yourself and your emotions. Even if it’s a few minutes a day. Don’t wait until you have time, because that would be very hard to make it happen. Don’t postpone it, you need this and your soul needs it too.



What do you like to do to take care of yourself?


I’m looking forward to reading your stories. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and  answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow, love!



Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Faux Fur #GoodVibesGifting Day 5

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Faux Fur #GoodVibesGifting Day 5

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Faux Fur #GoodVibesGifting Day 5

Hi love!

It’s day five of our #GoodVibesGifting and I’m super excited to announce the 8 winners in a few days. I know you are excited to know too but before we do that, let’s get to know each other more. Hope that you will be back here often to connect together after this Good Vibes Gifting ends. I love learning about all of you and it opens my life’s perspective so much. Thank you again for being a part of our Good Vibes Tribe.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 posts, feel free to check them out and share your stories there. If you want to know more details on how to be a part of it, head over to this postread through the first section of the post to learn about how to join. 🙂

Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Faux Fur Coat #GoodVibesGifting Day 5_12-21-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


Bringing the classy on today in this post because I ‘m going to talk about Faux Fur. Don’t you love the texture of it? Not only is it beautiful, adds style to the simple outfit, it’s also a good type of textile that keeps you warm. The only concern I have is that it might be a little dusty if you haven’t worn it for a while. I suggest putting a garment bag over to help protect your cloth and keep the dust away.

One tip I have when you decide to clean your faux fur coat, you should hand wash it with cold water and gentle detergent. Let it drip dry indoor. Once it’s dry, you can use a soft bristle brush to brush the fur to keep it smooth and fluff.

My look today will be a perfect look if you have your last minute Christmas party at your office. You know me, I love adding some pops of red to add a holiday feel to the look and you can use this trick too.

I’m wearing my old bodycon cami dress from TopShop, I have a similar one for you here and here. My faux fur is from Missguided. My vegan leather bag is from Melie Bianco and my Vince Camuto heels I got them from Sole Society.




Get to know me: I remembered sitting with my then boyfriend in front of one of the teachers and she told my boyfriend not to date me because I have a different family background than him. He came from a great family that has everything but I was opposite. Wow, seriously?  How can someone say something like that in front of a teenager and not even think for a second about how I would feel or how it would effect my life. Anyways, we were together for 7 years and ended up not being together after I decided to let him go.

In this crucial world, there are good and bad people, some people always think they know everything, try to make comments and try to bring others down for no reason. As I’m growing older I noticed that these type of people actually have their own issues in life and they don’t know how to fix them. So they put their ideas right into other people’s head, mostly bad advices that they think are good, and end up hurting a lot of people’s feelings.

I have to be honest with you here that I don’t like these type of people at all. I feel like they should keep their mouth shut and try to make their life better. Accept that they have problems, if they couldn’t fix the problems themselves, then they should go get some help from a professional.

When people have a big mouth, they tend to not know that their opinions can affect and make the listener become stressed and/or even ruin their lives. I used to be one who stressed to the max, cried and was just unhappy about myself after listening to someone’s comments. Like the example of my situation I mentioned above. That made me not able to eat, sleep, only felt so bad about my life and thought that maybe I deserved to be alone.

Now I have realized that I should know myself better, love myself better and shouldn’t listen to someone who thinks they know me but in reality have no idea about me and my life. When something like this happens to me now, instead of freaking out and getting upset I would tell that person to stop talking and keep their advice to themselves. Then I will sit back, relax and try to forget about what they said. There’s no need to keep that negativity with me. I still respect people who give me good advice because I know they love me and want the best for me. But I stopped wasting my time to think about those bad comments from people who pretend that they love and understand me.

My suggestion for you today on how to deal with negativity from others is to love and  know yourself and try not to care about other people’s negative opinions. It’s your life, you know what’s best for you and what will make you happy. Stop stressing out because that will ruin your health and you don’t want that.


Question for you today:

How do you normally deal with negative people?


I’m looking forward to reading your answer. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of the your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow for more stories!



Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket | Black on Black #GoodVibesGifting Day 4

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket | Black on Black #GoodVibesGifting Day 4

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket | Black on Black #GoodVibesGifting Day 4

Hi love!

I can’t believe we are half way through to our #GoodVibesGifting event. You guys are so amazing! Your stories are so touching! Thank you for being a part of this event and sharing your stories. Your stories will benefit so many people who read them. Life experiences are the most valuable thing that we can share and learn from each other. Thank you for all of the positive vibes.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2  and Day 3 posts, come join us by sharing your stories at the end of the posts. This first post, will give you more details on the rules and how to participate in this #GoodVibesGifting event. We would love to hear from you.

Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comLast Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com

Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comLast Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Last Minute Holiday Outfit | Vinyl Leggings and Quilted Jacket #GoodVibesGifting Day 4_12-20-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


I’m getting out of my comfort zone and my usual style in this post today because I got inspiration from a magazine to try something new. So I’m all futuristic today. What are unusual for me about this look are this quilted jacket and these chunky-sole boots. I’ve really never worn them before but they are definitely fun pieces to wear and have in your closet.

Since this post is about Fall/Winter outfit ideas, I would love to talk about how to make your look more stylish and still keep you warm at the same time. For this black on black look, instead of wearing a normal black sweater top, I chose a choker neck sweater to add some edge to the look. I picked a pair of vinyl leggings to add some fun and I also picked my vintage Channel patent handbag to go with the look. My cat-eye sunglasses are from Forever21.

Below are some cute patent handbags I picked for you.

Even thought I’m wear all black but the textures of the different fabrics help make this look more stylish and interesting and of course will keep you warm.



Get to know me: Let’s talk about personal values today. I’m bringing this topic up because it is so important to have at least one value to help push you to achieve your goals in life. I value family the most. As you may already know from my first post of this #GoodVibesGifting series about my family and how difficult it used to be for me growing up. Because of having my family, this makes me able to face any situation in life. Whatever I do or think about doing I will think about my family first.

Before I decide to do something stupid or about to do something stupid, I would think about my family first. I always measure how good or bad it might affect my family with the decision I’m about to make, if it’s going to hurt my family I won’t do it.

All of my goals I have in life always include my family in it. As I’m talking about this, it’s making me tear up because it’s so true that I value my family so much and they are in every step of my life.

If you don’t know what your values are, you can take a look at the list here, read through and think about what the most important things are in your life right now. Your personal values can change over time when you start achieving more goals, have your current values fulfilled or when you are in a different stage of life.

When you have your values picked out, start incorporating them into your decision making or planning and you will start seeing a lot of changes in your life. I guarantee you, your personal values will lift you up and push you to achieve your goals.


Question for you today

What’s your number one personal value in life? Why do you think it is so important to you?


I’m looking forward to reading your stories. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and  answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow for more stories!



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