
Hi love!

It’s day 6 of my #GoodVibesGifting event!! OMG, time flies! Each day I look forward to reading your stories and it’s helping me set my goals for next year. You have contributed to my goals for sure. I’m going to keep it a secret for now about what I’m planning to do but hey, that’s exciting and worth looking forward to.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4 and Day 5 posts, don’t hesitate to go back and check them out. There are so many stories and thoughts from our Good Vibes Tribe members who you can learn from their life experiences and situations. Don’t forget to leave your stories at the end of the post because you might be one of the eight lucky winners of this contest.

This first post, will provide you more details on the rules and how to participate in this #GoodVibesGifting event. We would love for you to join us.

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Pink Baret #GoodVibesGifting Day 6_12-22-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


Today’s look has a little sweet touch to it. If you want to make your look to be on the sweet side, try incorporating pink into your outfit.

My tip when wearing light colors, like pink, is to match with other light colors but try adding one dark color item to help make it contrast. Unless you want to go all out to be super soft and sweet, then only wear light colors from head to toe.

As you can see here, my beret, earrings, sweater (similar here), bag and boots (similar here) are all in light colors. But I chose to wear this navy dress (similar here and here) to make it contrast to the look. So, I don’t look too sweet or too simple.

We took this photoshoot in front of our hotel when we were staying in Tokyo, Japan. If you’re planning to visit Tokyo, Japan with your family, I recommend checking out MIMARU TOKYO NIHOMBASHI SUITENGUMAEI apartment hotel. It’s a super nice place in a business district. Great for a family trip and very convenient to hop on the subway to visit places.




Get to know me:  I’d love to share with you on how I take care of my emotions at the end of each day on this post today. Because it’s so important to pay attention to your feelings, your mind and your soul and it will help you to become a better minded person.

I used to wait for the weekends to come before I started taking care of myself and to have some Me-Time. But guess what!, you don’t need to be like an old me. You can start doing it everyday. I know it might sound hard to do it but if you can spend only 5 minutes of your day to connect with yourself and take care of your spirit, you will feel a lot better and calmer than you used to be.

What’s the point of waiting until the weekend, right? You might say you’re super busy during the week and there’s no time for you to take care of yourself. Well, you’re living your life everyday, which means you should pay attention to yourself and your emotions everyday as well.

You don’t want to build up those unfavorite situations you’ve been through during the week and let those situations worry you through the weekend. You need to give your body and your mind a break, to help reset and get ready for the next day.

Either you pick to sit down and have a cup of tea in a calm environment to wind down or pray for 5 minutes, these can really help you as a person to connect with yourself and let go of those bad situations you have faced. If it’s a good day for you, use your 5 minutes to fulfill your emotions, mind, body and soul with positive energy.

For me, I love to take an extra 5 minutes in my shower, just to stand there, listening to the sound of the water, and let the warm water soak through my hair and body. I’d take a long deep breath and exhale slowly to let go all the tiredness and things that bother me on that day. That’s the easiest way I found myself relaxing and calming down my mind at the end of the day. It doesn’t take long and I don’t need to go above and beyond my everyday’s activities. Only 5 minutes of my day does make me feel recharged and ready for what’s to come next.

On the day that I have more time to myself I would listen to music, do a mini spa and eat my favorite sweets with a cup of hot cocoa. I would fill that hour with positive energy and joy as well and I would let go of all the bad energy. These tiny things make my soul and my body happy.

They are such simple things in life but when I pay attention to myself close enough, these small, simple things become more beneficial to my mind and helps to balance my emotions.

My thought for you today is to try to find one activity that help calm your mind each day and start taking care of yourself and your emotions. Even if it’s a few minutes a day. Don’t wait until you have time, because that would be very hard to make it happen. Don’t postpone it, you need this and your soul needs it too.



What do you like to do to take care of yourself?


I’m looking forward to reading your stories. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and  answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow, love!



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