
Hi love!

Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you’re ready to celebrate your Christmas with your loved ones tomorrow.

I can’t believe today’s finally come and it’s the last day of our #GoodVibesGifting event! So much to learn from this eight days series. So much appreciation from me to you and your family.

If you missed my Day 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4Day 5 , Day 6 and Day 7 posts, don’t hesitate to go back and check them out. You still have tonight to share your stories. I will announce the eight lucky winners tomorrow evening.

This first post, will provide you more details on the rules and how to participate in this #GoodVibesGifting event. We would love for you to join us on this last #GoodVibesGifting post in 2018.

NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comNYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com NYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comNYE Party Outfit Idea | Metallic and Silver #GoodVibesGifting Day 8_12-24-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


First thing that comes to my mind when it comes to New Year’s Eve Party is bling! That’s why I’m going for a silvery and glittery look from head to toe today. Anything bling would work for the night party, you don’t have to use only silver like me. You can pick gold, rose gold, black, red, white, green or pretty much whatever color you’re feeling for the night. But just keep in mind to make your outfit shine bright, as if it’s going to be your life in the new year. 🙂

This look actually reminded me of the millennium celebrations, on NYE of the start of the year 2000. I remember that most of the places were decorating with silver as their main color. Everyone was afraid of the end of the world and such on NYE. I went for a horror movie with my cousins that night and my mother was so worried. After midnight everything was just fine as it was another new day and new year. Anyways, hope you’re enjoying your NYE party this year.

My outfit details are displayed below with a few similar dresses.



Get to know me: Everyone has problems in life. Some of us choose to fix them, some of us choose to stay with them, and some of us choose to forget about them. For me I love fixing my problems. Either it’s small or big, I never neglect the problems and let them shadow me everywhere I go.

The first process I do when it comes to fixing my problem is to find the roots. Then I will start digging deeper to see why those problems occurred. I would try my best to find the methods to start solving them slowly but surely. If method A doesn’t work, I will move on to method B, C and so on.

Most of the time if the problems involve other people, for example they’re the problem, I would give back my kindness to them if talking isn’t helping. Either they feel it or not at least that’s the only one positive thing I can do in this case. The more kindness you give back the more likely you will be able to change their negative attitude toward you.

If you have family problems, problems between you and your partner, I recommend not bringing the third person into your situation. Don’t use your emotions to solve your problems because that will lead to the wrong way of solving them. Try to solve your problems when you’re in a steady mind set. If you really need help, I highly recommend you make an appointment with some professionals, they have learned how to help you through their processes and steps. But the person who is the most important that will determine the success is only you.

If you decide to fix your problems with no doubt, you will be able to do it. You just need to trust your ability fully. But if you decide to fix it but still hesitate about the results, this would take longer or it would never work.

Right now for me I want to fix my health problem the most. Even though I don’t have any bad decease, just something minor but I want to make sure I am healthy so I can spend as much time that I have with my loving husband and daughter.

My thought for you today is to never be afraid in fixing your problems. If there’s a problem there’s a solution.



What’s one area in life you would like to improve most? Is there anything I could be a part of in helping you through my blog?


I’m looking forward to reading your answer. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

To get a sneak peek on the gifts you might win, watch my InstaStory here.

See you again tomorrow for the winner announcement and inspiring stories from all the winners!



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