
Hi love!

It’s day seven of our #GoodVibesGifting and we are only one day away to the end of this series. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to share your stories with us. I know it’s not about the gifts as much as the good heart you have and that you are wanting to share some parts of your life to our All About Good Vibes’ readers.

I feel like the more we connect and the more we have a chance to spread the positivity around us, the better we become and the better the world will be. Not to say that the world is bad but we are all tend to lack communication, connection and understanding about each other. So let this series be the start of our small community and to help lift and support one another. I will be here for you and I know you will be there for me too.

Keep your stories coming because we are all looking forward to reading them! 🙂

If you missed my Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4, Day 5, and Day 6 posts, feel free to check them out and share your stories there. If you want to know more details on how to be a part of this series, head over to this postread through the first section to learn about how to join.

Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.comFall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com Fall/ Winter Outfit Idea | Graphic Knit Sweater #GoodVibesGifting Day 7_12-23-2018_Molly Larsen IG @thevibescloset_allaboutgoodvibes.com


This year I found myself wearing a lot of knit sweaters especially the graphic and slogan ones. I think because I am pregnant, I found it so easy to put on, and to mix and match my graphic sweaters with all kinds of outfits. It does its job keeping me warm and it’s also fun to see different designs and sayings.

You can wear it with a dress, a pair of jeans, high heels or sneakers. Pretty much you can pull off the cool look without adding anything more. You can dress up or down with the graphic sweaters.

In today’s look, I tried to keep it simple and made sure the sweater was the main focus. I picked my metallic midi dress to go with my silver slip-on (similar pairs here and here) sneakers. My bag and earrings are black, to match with the color of my top which is out of stock but I found two similar ones for you here and here.  I also picked some fun knit graphic and slogan sweaters for you below as well.

We took this photoshoot on Halloween night, our second night in Tokyo around the Shibuya area. It was so much fun seeing people dressed up and to walk around the famous shopping street. We were there right before people got out of work which was nice because there were a lot less people than at night when everyone comes out to party. We saw on TV that the entire area was packed with people and it was so hard to walk around during the Halloween party hours. Good thing we picked the right time to visit and head back to the hotel at the right time.



Get to know me: I started noticing my life changing after reading this book, The Power by Rhonda Byrne. I have to say that I’m a bad reader but a good collector. I bought so many books but never finished reading them.

One of the the books I finished reading and I keep going back to, is The Power. The reason I love it so much is that I see my life changing after applying the rules this book provides to my everyday life.

Whatever I expect to have, I will have them in a matter of months or even days. A few quotes by Rhonda Byrne that are so true and I recommend for you to follow are “What do you want more than anything right now?. Think about it a lot, feel it, and you will receive it.”, “What you’re thinking right now is creating your future. You’re always thinking, and you are always creating.” and “Your thoughts are a creative power to use to materialize your dream.”.

This book has kept my dreams alive and made my dreams become a reality.

I was a dreamer since I was little. I wasn’t only dreaming but I also felt the feelings of achieving my dreams as well. I got so excited every time I would think about achieving my dream and how that would feel. I didn’t know about the power of the universe before but I was living my life that way before I discovered this book.

After reading the book I found that I’m in control of my needs and wants. All I have to do is to think positively. Feel the good energy thats coming my way. And get ready to receive what I’m dreaming for. Just so you know that it might sound simple, easy and unrealistic, but trust me when I say it’s true. It can be hard to see results if you have negativity surrounding you or have a closed mine about your power and ability to create your own dreams.

I don’t want to get into the stories from the book incase you want to grab a copy and start reading it yourself so I didn’t ruin it for you.  All I have to say is, this is one of my favorite books that has helped me get what I want and I want you to have a chance to receive what you want too.

Either more money, great job, soulmate, great health or as small as a person smiling back at you today, you will be able to get it if you believe in your power.

I will be sharing and talking more about this topic next year. If you’re looking to enhance your new year, take a look at this book if you haven’t already and get ready for your best year yet!



Have you ever achieved one of your dreams? What did you do and how did you feel after you achieved it?

What’s one gift would you like to receive most from me? Take a look here.


I’m looking forward to reading your answers. Don’t forget to stop by my Instagram and answer a fun question there too! Also don’t forget to use #GoodVibesGifting at the end of the your comment so I know you are participating in this contest.

See you again tomorrow for our last story!



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