10 Minutes Total Body Backyard Workout

10 Minutes Total Body Backyard Workout

Having my mind going toward a sustainable lifestyle, I found adidas is doing a great job implementing their sustainability practices into their lines. Today, I will be sharing my quick workout routine featuring the Ultraboost 20 shoes- made with a performance fabric made entirely from a recycled plastic material. 


If you are ready, let’s dive right in!

snack bar decor idea for your home

This post has been sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own.

I love wearing my adidas for workouts, lounging around, and for any day comfort. Since now a lot of us are spending more time at home, I wanted to share with you a 10-minute total body workout where you can get your daily exercise in quick.


Being at home, you might find yourself in a comfy (lazy) zone often than usual. The tips to get out of this is to start your day productively by;


First: Make your bed

Second: Wash your face

Third: Get your workout in

Fourth: Take a shower

Fifth: Make yourself a healthy breakfast.

If you can have a morning routine like this, you sure will have a productive day ahead. The feelings of accomplishment first thing in the morning have to do with psychology.

Naval Admiral William McRaven mentioned it in his commencement speech a the University of Texas, Austin: If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. 


In my opinion, accomplishing a workout routine resembles the same results as making beds. Not only that, but morning exercise may also improve decision-making during the day.


The new study, “Distinct Effects of Acute Exercise and Breaks in Sitting on Working Memory and Executive Function in Older Adults,” by Wheeler et al. (2019) was published on April 29, 2019 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Their findings in the paper’s conclusion: “A morning bout of moderate-intensity exercise improves serum BDNF and working memory or executive function in older adults, depending on whether or not subsequent sitting is also interrupted with intermittent light-intensity walking.”.


See how we can be more productive by only making your bed and exercise! 

To get back on track to today’s workout, I have a pdf version of the workout for you to download on the library. If you want it handy with you, head over here.  


The sneakers I am wearing today is the adidas Ultraboost 20. These running shoes are made with Primeblue fabric, a performance fabric made entirely from recycled plastic material. It’s made of at least 75% Parley Ocean Plastic, which is marine plastic waste collected from beaches and coastal regions. 


Isn’t that so cool?


They are so comfortable and stylish to wear to exercise in, from low to high intensities. You can also wear them with your favorite jeans or outfits like the one I’m wearing for a family afternoon picnic. 

If you are looking for a new pair of running shoes, head over to this adidas post for a running shoe finder to help choose your ideal shoe.

10 minutes

To start each workout, I recommend doing a quick stretch.


Stretch your arms by pulling them across your body.


Reach behind your back and grab your elbow. 


Grab your feet behind your back and stand up straight to stretch your legs.

move one:

1. Start with weights in each hand and standing straight.


2. Lift one arm to shoulder height and slowly bring back down, alternating arms for one count. 


Do 10 sets

move two:

1. Start with needs slightly bent and weight at the center of the body.


2. Punch out in front, alternating each arm for one count. 


Do 10 sets

move three:

  1. Start with one leg behind your back and weight behind your back, above your head.
  2. Left leg behind to a 90% angle and lower weights further down back. 
  3. Fully extend weights above head. 

Do 5 reps, switch leg, and 5 five more reps. 

move four:

  1. Start in standing position with weight at the center of the body.
  2. Kick leg back for ten reps. Repeat on the other side.

Do 10 reps on each leg.

move five:

  1. Start in standing position with weight at the center of the body.
  2. Press down on toes; lifting heals of the ground. Slowly bring back to start position and continue for ten reps. 

Do 10 reps

move six:

1. Start in a standing position with feet under shoulders, booty band around lower legs, and weights at the center of the body.  

2. Lift leg up to the side, as far up as possible. 


Do ten reps on each leg. 

move seven:

  1. Start in kneeling position with back straight and weight behind the knee.
  2. Left leg up, raising the knee to the same level as back. 

Do ten reps on each leg. 

move eight:

  1. Lay down on the side, with both legs overlapping and pointed straight.
  2. Lift the leg as high as possible and bring back down slowly.  

Do ten reps on each leg

move nine:

1. Lay down on the side, with both legs pointed straight, and one hand stretched high above. 

2. Lift hips off the ground and slowly bring back down. Continue for ten reps and then switch sides.  


Do ten reps on each side. 

move ten:

Lay down with only toes, forearms, and hands touching the ground. Keep back straight and booty down for 30 seconds. 


  1. Sit down with back straight and bottoms of feet touch together. Bring close to the body for a deeper stretch. 
  2. Lower head down to feet and hold for 10 seconds. 
  3. Sit down with legs crossed and stretch your arms by pulling them across your body.
  4. Meditate for 1 minute.
Share with me:

What exercise do you like to do? 


Remember to change up a few activities in your day, like making your bed and exercising can help improve your overall well-being for a more fabulous day

If you are looking for a new favorite pair of shoes for running or training, be sure to check out adidas website, and get a pair or two.


I hope you find this post helpful and can help you get your day more productive. I will be back for more 10-minute workout routines in the upcoming posts.


Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay healthy, active, and productive!

I will see you soon!


Three Ways to Achieving A Dreamy Photo Feel

Three Ways to Achieving A Dreamy Photo Feel

Today, I am going to share with you three quick tips to achieve dreamy feels. These are super simple, straight forward, where you don’t need any out of reach, expensive equipment pieces.

Read on to find out!

snack bar decor idea for your home
Flipping through the magazines, scrolling down your Instagram feed, and searching for some inspirations on Pinterest, you might have seen so many dreamy looking photos. Ever wonder how people created these types of images?

If you followed me for a while, you might already know that I am a big fan of Tezza and her husband, Cole, artful works. I watched one of her reel videos and got a tip from her on how to create a dreamy photo. So my husband and I put it to the test. 

Today, I am going to share with you three quick tips to achieve dreamy feels. These are super simple, straight forward, where you don’t need any out of reach, expensive equipment pieces.

If you are ready, let’s dive right in!

three ways to achieving



What you need:

You will need your camera, Vaseline, plastic wrap, and a rubber band.


Before start taking pictures, wrap the plastic wrap around the lens. Then smear a little bit of the Vaseline on the plastic wrap. Now you are ready to shoot some dreamy photos. 

See our photos below!


What you need:

You will need the Lightroom App and your phone (or computer).


Lower the below settings to your liking

  • Contrast
  • Clarity
  • Dehaze

Adjust tone curves to your liking

  • Brightness 
  • Contrast 
  • Sharpness

You can watch how I did on my IG Reel, here.




Taking pictures during the sunset will help you effortlessly achieve those dreamy images. 

@emmaleger is my go-to girl for some dreamy inspiring images.


shop the POST

Dress | Shoes | Camera | Lens | Vaseline | Plastic Wrap

Share with me:

What photography tips would you like to share?

How easy are all these tips? I hope you like them. Come back and let me know when you have a chance to try them out!

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Have you checked out How to grow your Instagram with hashtags, yet? 

Stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you soon!


Lesson Seven: Growing with Hashtags | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

Lesson Seven: Growing with Hashtags | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

Welcome to “Influencer Tips Tuesday,” an ongoing lesson that releases every Tuesdays for new and upcoming influencers to become a mindful and successful creator from day one.


Today, we will focus on how to grow your Instagram with hashtags, the best practices, and tools you can use to build your like-minded community.


Read on to learn more about Lesson Seven: Growing with Hashtags | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

*Disclaimer: All statements in this post are from my personal experiences and perspective. There is no right or wrong way to becoming a successful influencer as success is defined differently for each person. I share my knowledge with those who believe in becoming a successful and mindful influencer—those who don’t mind working hard to achieve their dreams.

I first want to say that Instagram hashtags are always different for every person. When you search #cupcakes, the photos you first see will be different from those of someone else who searched it at the same time. It has to do with what content you are most interested in, what accounts you engage with, and what Instagram’s algorithm thinks is best for you to see. So when you add a hashtag to a photo, keep in mind, Instagram will not show it to people who they think won’t want to see it. Crazy right? I agree!


Here are some screenshots of three different hashtags searched at the same time on two different accounts.





Seven Keys to Grow Instagram with Hashtags


How to use Instagram hashtags to grow your reach?

Best practices for growing your reach on Instagram are about diversifying your selections from rare, small, medium, and large hashtags. By small, medium, and large, I mean the number of total posts a specific hashtag has gotten. 


I categorize them into five categories:

Popular: More than 1M 

Large: 250K – 1M 

Medium: 100K – 250K 

Small: 50K-100K 

Rare: Lower than 50K 


Hashtags like #summer have millions of posts, 476 million at last count, and are what you would call a POPULAR hashtag. A hashtag like #summertimefun has about 800,000 and is a LARGE hashtag. A MEDIUM hashtag would be #summerlovers that have less than 250,000 total posts. A hashtag like #summertimemadness has a little bit over 50,000 and is a SMALL hashtag. A RARE hashtag would be #summerfridaysjetlagmask that has less than 3,000 total posts. 



Number of Hashtags



The most number of hashtags you can have in a post is 30 hashtags.

When picking out your hashtags, your goal is to mix them up;


Popular (More than 1M): Use 0 to 1 hashtag

Large (250K – 1M): Use 3 to 5 hashtags

Medium (100K – 250K): Use 5 to 10 hashtags

Small (50K-100K): Use 8 to 12 hashtags

Rare (Lower than 50K): Use 1 to 3 hashtags


The reason for this is the likelihood of people seeing your posts. If you select all POPULAR or LARGE hashtags, your post will not be viewed by millions of people. This is because new posts are continually being uploaded, and your post will drop down where not many people will look for it. On the other hand, if you use only SMALL hashtags, your photo will stay up on that hashtag for longer because fewer people are using it. By spreading your hashtags to RARE, SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE, you are giving yourself a better chance of being discovered by more people and growing your reach.



Where to put Hashtags

There are many myths and rules people are coming up with to try to trick the Instagram algorithm, and it has to do with where you place your hashtags.


After my trials and errors, I have found that the place where you put your hashtags has nothing to do with your reaches and impressions. It’s no right or wrong about where you choose to include them. So feel free to do whichever way you wish.


Here are three places you can have your hashtags.

  • In your caption
  • In your comments
  • In both caption and comment sections

Make sure your hashtags are relevant to the picture you are posting. 


Organize your Hashtags

Depending on your niche and the type of content you usually are posting, you should have a list of your hashtags categorized.

You can download the worksheet from the Influencer Library and start building out your hashtags library.

I recommend updating them at least once a month. As some hashtags can become very popular quickly, it’s essential to update them so that you are always having a mix of different size hashtags in your posts.


Helpful Hashtag Apps

Here is a list of apps out there you can get to generate a list of SMALL, MEDIUM, and LARGE hashtags related to keywords you enter. 


  1. Ingrammer 
  2. All Hashtag  
  3. Hashtag Generator Tool 
  4. Sistrix 
  5. Daily Purpose



Things to do Before posting

Before your about to post on Instagram, you might want to consider engaging 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after. When you engage around the time of your post, you are showing Instagram that you are active and increase your chances of them pushing your content to more people. This sort of tactic might not work for everyone but is worth trying. A best practice is to be authentic in your activity level and to engage as much as you want.


Instagram Engagement Groups

There are a lot of engagement groups on Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms. They were created to share Instagram posts, and have others engage with each other to drive more engagement and trick the Instagram algorithm.

The primary purpose of these groups is to help support each other by commenting on others’ posts who contribute to the group. I used to participate in those groups, too, as I saw it helped my account by getting a boost of engagement and reaches. Now I do not join anymore. It was enticing as you knew whatever content you posted, you would get engagement results even though it wasn’t all AUTHENTIC engagement.

Although these groups do give your post more reach, it is by no means organic. You have to engage with others’ content, even if you have no interest in the posted content. When you stop contributing, that ENGAGED COMMUNITY suddenly stops engaging. That’s why it’s essential to build AUTHENTIC engagement through quality content and to share through a proper hashtag strategy.

Some Instagram coaches will recommend you to participate in these SUPPORT GROUPS as they see it might benefit you now but are not looking at your future.

What I would like to tell you is to STOP contributing to those engagement groups if you are not already a part of them. Think for a moment, are you being genuine and having a significant impact on REAL followers by requiring other people to comment on your post even if they aren’t interested in your content? Just so that you can trick others into thinking you have a more ENGAGED COMMUNITY? It’s your choice to make!

Share with me:

Do you find hashtags helpful in growing your Instagram?


 I hope you found some valuable ideas that you can increase your reach through Instagram hashtags. Be sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog post on Lesson Eight: Getting Noticed by Brands.


If you have any questions, leave your comments, or DM me on Instagram @CuratedByMollie.


If you missed last week’s lesson, check out Lesson Six: Instagram Aesthetic


Thank you for stopping by my blog today. 


See you next Tuesday for more tips!


Lesson Three Perfecting your Instagram Profile _ #InfluencerTipsTuesday-@curatedbymollie

Lesson Six: Instagram Aesthetic | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

Lesson Six: Instagram Aesthetic | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

Welcome to “Influencer Tips Tuesday,” an ongoing lesson that releases every Tuesdays for new and upcoming influencers to become a mindful and successful creator from day one.

Today, we are continuing to focus on Instagram Aesthetic and why you need to nail this down before you start producing content. 

Read on to learn more about Lesson Six: Instagram Aesthetic | #InfluencerTipsTuesday

Image Credit: Gucci

*Disclaimer: All statements in this post are from my personal experiences and perspective. There is no right or wrong way to becoming a successful influencer as success is defined differently for each person. I share my knowledge with those who believe in becoming a successful and mindful influencer—those who don’t mind working hard to achieve their dreams.

Having a great aesthetic that aligns with the type of content you are creating is key to a successful Instagram account. It shows your followers you are a professional at what you do, know what you are doing, and are an expert at producing high-quality content.

Think about aesthetics as an essential part of your branding, because having the right Aesthetic will help you attract the right audience who will appreciate what you do and become your real fan. You will be an authority for them.


We will discuss the main types of aesthetics out there, what feelings you can make your content have, and how editing your photos to your Aesthetic can help you deliver your brand’s message.

Let’s first get into the basics of what is aesthetic, why is aesthetic necessary, and how you can apply it to your Instagram account.

Then we will go over a case study of how Gucci was able to alter their aesthetic to attract the right audience and increase sales.

Four Keys of Instagram Aesthetic



The Aesthetic is an art of appreciating the beauty in the artist’s work. It represents a harmonious and unique artist or brand put into each piece of their work and always sends out the same messages and tone to the audience. Aesthetics are not only concerned with beauty or appreciation of beauty. It’s also how you want others to interpret and evaluate the content you produce.

As for Instagram, aesthetic means the look of your overall Instagram feed. Your aesthetic will show in your photos, videos, or any content you produce and share on Instagram. It’s through your aesthetic that your brand speaks to your followers immediately when they visit your page. You will be able to capture the potential followers’ attention by showcasing the right Aesthetic.

Your Instagram Aesthetic will convey feelings about your brand. It also represents what you offer and how you offer them.

According to Kant, in the book Aesthetic Theory, he notes that aesthetics is objectifying in nature, but through that, objectivity is where aesthetics meets beauty.  

When people look at a photo, they might notice the overall style or feel they are picking up. Flowers, a flowing dress, a sunset in the background, curtain movement, specific colors, etc. are all details that make photos aesthetic.



Aesthetic is important because it shows the beauty of your content, and it will attract your ideal audience who has the same taste in harmony.

It also gives your audience a reason to come back for more. When you showcase your content in a specific and consistent way, you will be able to connect with your followers on a deeper level.

Your messages through aesthetic will be more clear to understand.

By applying the aesthetic practice to your Instagram account, you are encouraging your audience with the need to come back for more to see what new content you create next. Aesthetic also creates trust and loyalty with your followers.

In an article by Colombia Business School, they researched the importance of aesthetics and why large brands go to Thailand to produce content. They found that having an excellent aesthetic and being able to market it well translated into more sales. The attention to detail and execution of a brand’s Aesthetic made for compelling content. 


Image source: Gucci.com




The feeling of a photo is the emotion you want your audience to perceive. It’s the chance you get to grab your audience’s attention and connect more with your brand’s message. Are you making your followers feel a sense of love and appreciation, or do you want them to feel calm and relaxed?

The New Gucci’s Aesthetic Case Study

Gucci’s Aesthetic

The best case study I would like to share with you here is the new Aesthetic of the number one fastest-growing luxury brand in the world, Gucci. The new Aesthetic was brought to life by their current creative director, Alessandro Michele.


Michele’s Aesthetic took a different turn and gave a new look to attract a younger customer- think Millenials. As shown in each of his collections, the styles now are more maximalism but still keeps its heritage while showcasing the blend of bold, contemporary, and luxury. The new Gucci presents transparency, inclusivity, and diversity. To tap into their younger customer, they partnered with Harry Styles– the singer, songwriter, actor, and the modern-day iconic to allure attention from the new crown. 

Gucci Men’s Tailoring Cruise 2019 campaignPhotographer: Glen Luchford | Art Director: Christopher Simmonds


Gucci Pre-Fall 2020

The latest campaign, Pre-Fall 2020 series, Michele has created his most touching and incredible story and captured by Alasdair McLellan and with art direction by Christopher Simmonds.

This campaign, entitled ‘So Deer To Me’, is intended to be an “an ode to retrieved innocence, a return to the infant world, a call for real engagement with nature and, with that, life.” Not only does the story captivate the most beautiful vision but also the Gucci Pre-Fall 2020 campaign, Gucci is partnering with The Lion’s Share Fund, a charity that helps vulnerable animals.

#SODEERTOME | gucci.com

Positioning of Gucci

Today, Gucci is the world’s fastest-growing luxury brand. Gucci became 2019’s fastest-growing luxury brand, with a growth rate of 23% and a brand valuation of $15.949 billion — It nearly doubled the valuation it had when Michele first took over the reins in 2015.

On the internet, the new Gucci collections stand out — they’ve got a contemporary feel, mixed with vintage classics. Michele even brought back the interlocking GG logo and the iconic Gucci bags from the 1960s, while introducing consumers to the Dionysus buckle. – source


The Conclusion

In conclusion, the new Gucci’s Aesthetic changes make the brand reachable to a new market and have increased its revenues. Gucci has done a great job knowing their customer and how to reach them through their brilliant Aesthetic to the utilization of social media as a digital marketing tool.




How To Create An Aesthetic

There are so many things to consider when creating an aesthetic for your Instagram. You have to know who you are trying to attract, what they like, what they want to see or hear, and more. You will build your vision board and come up with the direction of the aesthetic you want to go for your Instagram account.

After you know all of the elements that will speak about your brand, you can now make them aesthetically pleasant throughout your profile.

Should I edit my photos?

Yes and no. It depends on the Aesthetic you are going for and the message you are sending to your followers. Editing photos through mobile apps or professional tools can dramatically impact what others see and interpret your brand’s message to be. 


If you have an aesthetic of raw, natural-looking photos, then editing might not be necessary. However, you can take a picture and edit it to look more natural then it acutely is. You need to know what your Aesthetic is before you make these types of changes. Knowing your aesthetic will help you create a clear brand message that your audience will follow. 

What is the easiest application to use to edit my photos?

There are so many options of applications out there, but the one I recommend is VSCO. It’s simple to use. You can find and use your favorite filters, create your own, and save them. There are also lots of free VSCO filters you can find online. Here are a few places you can check them out, @vscofillterrs@filters.vsco, and @omgfiltrs.

Share with me:

Which brands aesthetic do you like most?


Remember that the goal of having an aesthetic is to get your followers to have the same feelings across all your content.

I hope you found this post helpful and be sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog post, on Lesson Seven: Growing with Hashtags.

If you have any questions, leave your comments, or DM me on Instagram @CuratedByMollie.

If you missed last week’s lesson, check out Lesson Five: Branding 101 (Part Two: Visual).

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. 

See you next Tuesday for more tips!

Lesson Three Perfecting your Instagram Profile _ #InfluencerTipsTuesday-@curatedbymollie

How to Wear A Slip Dress Four Ways

How to Wear A Slip Dress Four Ways

Today’s post, I am going to share with you four ways to wear a slip dress.

Read on to find out!

snack bar decor idea for your home

I look through my closet, and I have so many slip dresses. I love how easy it is to wear this type of dress. Also, the variety of ways you can play around with is a plus.

Today’s post, I am going to share with you four ways to wear a slip dress. I got this Finders Keepers Cristina midi slip dress last year and wore it to one of the shows during New York Fashion Week, (Look #4). 

I love the color and the satin fabric that gives this dress a little glam feel. You can wear this dress from casual wear to a date night.


Below are some similar dresses I found.

four ways to wear

“The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress.” —Hubert de Givenchy


The first look I called it a ‘Solo Slip’ as it is a basic and a classic look where you can slip into this dress and go. For a casual style, I pair this slip dress with my VANS suede slip-on sneakers.  


If you want to go for a classy look, wear your slip dress with strappy heels


Style number two, I turned the dress to a cami top with one shoulder. I also use the long length of the skirt to tie as a big bow on the side.

This look will be a super chic and cute look for a brunch date or hanging out with your girlfriends.

“Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way to live.” —Gianni Versace


You can turn your slip dress to a bandeau top. Here I am wearing it with a blazer for a business casual look. But if you don’t want to show your stomach, you could either button your blazer, wear a belt over the blazer, or adjust your top length to meet the waistline of your jeans. If you want it to be more fun, wear denim shorts with it will do.



This fourth look I wore during Fall in New York. I paired it with my mock neck top. This look can be worn in any season as you can layer up or down as the weather goes. I am a cool, cute, casual wear lover, so I paired this slip dress with my Gucci sneakers for a cool vibe while adding some sweetness with a pink headband. 


“Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well.” —Vivienne Westwood

Share with me:

How do you like to wear a slip dress?


I hope you find new ways to play with your slip dress. I have more styles to share, so stay tuned for all the fun!

If you want to see a video version for a quick smile, watch it on my Instagram Reels here.

Have you checked out Instagram Branding 101, yet? 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you soon!


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