Remember this post when I shared my inspiration behind my in-home cafe corner? Now that we put our inspiration to work and it’s 99% done, we want to share the progress with you.
Read on to find out!

We couldn’t decide on a coffee machine, so we leave this corner as our snack bar for now
Remember this post when I shared my inspiration behind my in-home cafe corner? Now that we put our inspiration to work and it’s 99% done, we want to share the progress with you. We are still waiting for the bistro marble table and one more cane chair before we share the finished look.
While waiting to complete the corner, my husband and I have some time to decide what coffee machine we want, but it’s so hard for us to make our decision as there are many options out there. We want to get one that is functional and produces great tasting coffee so that we can visit Starbucks less often. Also, something pretty that would well-suite with our cafe corner.
If you have your favorite, let us know in the comments below.
Right now, here is how our snack bar corner looks.

We moved the drawers we had from the old home office and use it to store snacks, coffee cups, teacups, and saucers.
On top of the drawers, we have the water dispenser we got from Target years back. We are planning to put our coffee maker machine right here and move the water dispenser somewhere else. We will see how everything will work out once we have our coffee machine. We have the cactus light up in this corner as well, and it was originally in my old home office.

We hung two floating shelves we got from Target and have water pitchers, glasses, and a few cute mugs (female form mug and clay mugs) up there.
Our family has been using this part of the home a lot lately as we moved our dining room table outside. We are now treating this area as our snacks and casual dining room for the four of us.
We are planning a lot more projects around the house and can’t wait to share them with you in upcoming posts.

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Share with me:
What is your favorite snack?
I hope you found some cute decor pieces from this post and might be inspired to redecorate your space too.
Have you seen the finished look of our guest bedroom yet?
Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.
Stay safe and healthy, and see you again in my next post.