
3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset 3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset

3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Right Molly Larsen Lifestyle Blogger Allaboutgoodvibes.com IG @thevibescloset


Hi love! Happy New Year!

I’m back after taking a few weeks break from my work. How were your holidays? I’m super excited to be back and to be sharing with you my fashion, beauty, and life stories again this year.

Great news! I decided to continue our #GOODVIBESGIFTING series starting from this January because it’s so nice to get to know all of you. This month I’m giving away a $25 Starbucks gift card and one surprise gift to one lucky reader on every single blog post. Which means if I come out with 10 blog posts, there will be 10 winners. You’re welcome. 🙂

What you have to do is to share your story at the end of each post and engage on my Instagram posts. I’ll announce all the winners at the end of the month here on allaboutgoodvibes.com. I will also send out an email to notify you, so make sure you’re on my email list, you can sign up below.

To get a quick update on my stories, feel free to follow me on Instagram @TheVibesCloset.

To those who were concerned about my health, THANK YOU so much for sending me Facebook & IG messages and emails asking about my pregnancy. I’m feeling amazingly great now after going to the labor and delivery the evening after Christmas to check on my early labor contractions I was having. I got a shot to help calm my uterus down and have been better since. Those two weeks break was a good help too. We have a few more weeks to go til we meet our new baby! I can’t wait to introduce our new addition of joy to you.

No more about me! Let’s get started with our topic today to help you get on track for your best year yet. I forgot to mention that you can apply these 3 tips with any new project, it doesn’t have to be only for the New Year.

The second the new year started, I felt the positive energy coming my way and even my husband could feel it too. Below are some tips on what we did a few days before the year ended.

Tip 1

Let go of the past and focus on the present

Holding on to the past will slow you down in every aspect of life. The best thing to do with it is to let it go and stay at your present moment. You don’t need to forget about your past completely but to only use it as your life lessons. Think about what you learned from it. Say thank you to your past that has taught you so many things and made you become who you are now. There’s no need to keep talking and/or thinking about it all the time. Just move on and do your best at your time now.

If you want, you can write down a list of your past that you’re holding on to. Then write what are the good lessons you learned from them. Write “Thank you” at the end of each one. Now it’s time for you to appreciate them and move on.

Practice Tip 1

It can be something like this:

I love when …. because…., thank you for ….. now I’m ready to move on.



Tip 2

Remember you can achieve anything in life

All success starts within YOU. If you believe in yourself and put your mind into whatever you do, you are already half way to your success. If you’re planning a new project, new daily routines, don’t think about obstacles you may face but instead imagine yourself already achieving your goal. How would you feel? Excited? Happy? So proud? Full of joy?

The best practice of this tip is to never, ever doubt your abilities or others who will be involved in your goals. The second you have doubt in you mind, you are so many steps further away from your achievements.

For example, if you want to improve your relationship with your friend/ partner, you should trust in both of your abilities, put the past aside, don’t think about obstacles, and only image what it would be like to have the best relationship ever.

Practice Tip 2

Now put this tips to practice by filling in the blanks below;

I believe and I know in my heart that I can …… . I would feel so ……. after I achieve……. . I am so grateful for my ability and others who are making this ….. happen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



Tip 3

Empower yourself with good books

My husband and I used this tip on New Year’s Eve night. We both got new books that inspired us in the areas that we’re looking to improve. Instead of watching movies, we read our new books until midnight in our bed. Same as our 3 years old daughter who got new books and was reading them to herself and us before she fell to sleep.

Books play a big role in self empowering. Especially the books that have other people’s stories or proven theories in it. If you get the right book on the right topic you’re looking for, that book can change your life or at least empower and direct you in the right direction.

I purchased about 30 new books toward the end of last year and the beginning of the new year within those two weeks of my days off and I almost finished my first two books. I’ve learned a lot this past week and I can’t wait to read more books to ensure and empower myself to the next level of me.

What had happened since my husband and I started reading our books before bed are:

  1. We learned something new that inspired us before going to bed.
  2. Our connection is stronger than before because we share our positive thoughts before we’re going to bed.
  3. We encourage and support each other with the areas we needed improvement.
  4. Talking freely and honestly with how we feel about each other.
  5. We are on the same page and willing to do whatever tasks to make us and our family happy.

Practice Tip 3

Answer these questions below to find out what type of book you should start the New Year with:

  1. What areas of life would you like to improve most?
  2. Do you like a book with theory, easy step-by-step guide, real life experience or all of them?
  3. Do you like to read or listen?
  4. Where can you get your book (audiobook) from?
  5. When will you get your book(s) and start your first page?

Now it’s time for you to get the right book and start empowering yourself.



Here are 5 books I recommend reading to start of your year (project) right.




You can download my PDF version of the 3 tips to start your best year (project) right
with exercises HERE.



Question for you today:

How did you start your New Year? and How do you feel now?



I hope today’s post will help put a right mindset for you to start your year. Those tips are quite simple and easy to apply to your life. I’m using them myself and have seen a lot of benefits. So I wanted this first blog post of the year to be a source of inspiration and to help you become a better version of you.  I hope that you will use at least one or all three tips to get yourself on the right path.

If you think this post will benefit anyone in your life, feel free to share it with them.

Thank you again for stopping by my blog today. Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments below and answer some fun questions on my Instagram posts for a chance to win a $25 Starbucks gift card and one surprise gift from me. Winner of this post will be announced at the end of the month, January 31st, 2019, here on allaboutgoodvibes.com.






3 Tips to Start Your Best Year: Project Self Improvement allaboutgoodvibes.com

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